Assynt Foundation was set up to make a community buy out of the Glencanisp and Drumrunie Estates in Assynt in the North West Highlands of Scotland from the Vestey family. It achieved this in 2005, by raising £2.9 million, including substantial backing from the Scottish Land Fund/Big Lottery Fund and Highlands & Islands Enterprise.
This buy out was the first major landholding purchase under the community buy-out provisions of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 and is the fourth biggest buy out in Scotland in terms of land area.
The two estates combined amount to around 18,000 hectares (44,000acres) of land and include much of Assynt and Coigach's distinctive inselberg landscape, including the iconic mountains of Suilven, Canisp, Cul Mor and Cul Beag.

...manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the community...
Assynt Foundation is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland, reg. no. SC272665. It is also a Scottish registered charity, no.SC036540.
The voting membership of the Foundation is only open to residents of Assynt. The Board of Directors is elected from among the membership by the members. Local control is guaranteed via the constitution. Non-residents can join as non-voting Supporters.

Charitable Objectives
The Foundation's charitable objectives, enshrined in its constitution, are:-
1. To manage community land and associated assets for the benefit of the community and the public in general as an important part of the protection and sustainable development of Scotland's natural environment, where sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
2. To advance the education of the community about its environment, culture and/or history.
The Foundation's postal address is -
Assynt Foundation,
The Office,
Lochinver, Sutherland IV27 4LE.
You can email the Foundation on
You can call the Foundation by telephone on - 07376-472788
Please note the Foundation's day to day business is managed by the volunteer trustees themselves, often working remotely, so you won't always get an instant response.

...the protection and sustainable development of Scotland's natural environment...